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Trauma and critical incident support

Critical incidents can be sudden and tragic, causing significant disruption to individuals and your organisation.

Our trauma response support service helps mitigate this impact by providing your employees with immediate assistance, enabling them to regain their footing at work and home.

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What are the benefits of our services?

Empowers employees to move forward

We support your employees in overcoming the challenges that come with traumatic incidents, helping them regain their strength and confidence.

Mitigates psychological impact

Our services help contain the psychological effects of trauma on your employees, ensuring they receive the care they need to thrive.

Reduces disruption to your organisation

By providing effective trauma support, we minimise the disruption to your organisation following critical incidents, allowing your team to get back on track smoothly.

What is our trauma and critical incident support service?

Our trauma and critical incident support services deliver timely and professional interventions that empower employees to move forward after experiencing trauma.

We offer remote and on-site critical incident support, ensuring expert care from qualified and experienced trauma consultants. By supporting staff after trauma, we help your team return to effective operation at work and home as quickly as possible.

Organisations can also take advantage of our pre-incident planning service, designed to implement strategies that reduce the impact of potential critical incidents. This proactive approach enhances your organisation’s resilience and preparedness for unforeseen events.

Young woman listening at counselling session

Our range of support options

On-site responder: Full-day or half-day

On-site trauma response is particularly helpful when an incident has impacted several colleagues and there is a need for group support and/or availability of a responder for drop-in sessions.

Remote support : Full-day or half-day

Remote support can be useful when colleagues are affected by an event but are working at different locations e.g. the unexpected death of a colleague. Remote support is flexible, meaning we can schedule times that work well for remote colleagues.

Remote group support: Up to two hours per session

Appropriate for when a small group would benefit from an opportunity to dial into a call with a trauma responder, making access to trauma support much easier.

Primary PFA: Remote support for individual

These sessions are booked for up to 90 minutes and may be suitable when an incident has affected just one or two employees, and more structured on-site or group sessions aren't required. This can also be useful for a colleague who may have missed out on any on-site support or who is now struggling and would benefit from intervention.

PFA: Structured (assessment and up to five PFA sessions)

Some clients may benefit from being referred to structured PFA sessions so that they can receive support over a period of weeks. These sessions are delivered by experienced trauma responders who focus on recovering from the impact of the incident.

a hand resting on another person's wrist
Trusted by
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Health and Safety Executive

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